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Glance of a Class Room

Projects update

One Step Forward

We are very glad that with the help of one of our donors, we were able to establish a Science Lab for our 9th and 10th graders. We remember the day that we started our journey with three primary classes in 2010, and today with the grace of God, our students are performing Science practicals in the lab. We have about 290 students in the school from 1st grade to 10th grade: all of which are getting totally free of cost education. This would not be possible without your support and understanding. We really appreciate it. All donations are TAX EXEMPT UNDER 501(C)3

Science Labs

Students Are Busy In The Class Room

Our students are very eager to learn new and interesting stuff in Science and Maths. Maybe today this boy or girl be tomorrow doctor or engineer or scientist or computer genius.To make a reality we need your help and support please donate.

Science Labs

Using Projector For Students